The named breakfast, from which you lose weight quickly

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It interrupts the night fasting period and replenishes the sugar supply to increase energy levels. Researchers have named products that allow you to eat well and lose weight quickly.

The named breakfast that makes you lose weight quickly

Volunteers who ate a proper breakfast lost approximately 9 kg over 12 weeks compared to 3.5 kg for those who ate lunch. Certified personal trainer Aaron Brown, who is a research associate at Ultimate Performance, shared the best breakfast options for weight loss. He explained that three factors must be taken into account for sustainable weight loss.

The first involves a filling breakfast to help control your appetite more effectively. In addition, the key to losing weight is eating food with a high content of protein and whole foods. “Where weight loss is the goal, we can get protein while reducing calorie intake. For example, using leaner sources of protein such as low-fat dairy products, lean poultry and beef, white fish and seafood,” Brown says.

The third factor is vegetables with a high fiber content. The expert explained that the best approach to breakfast for weight loss is to replace cereals with foods high in protein, healthy fats and fiber. Salmon, eggs, fruits and vegetables are useful.

The second option for morning meals includes eggs and fish. Brown emphasized that eggs are rich in protein, healthy fats and full of nutrients. “They are versatile and can be used to prepare dishes such as omelettes, frittatas, shakshuka, or they can be eaten whole,” advised the trainer. Eggs can be combined with anything: avocado, fatty fish, spinach, mushrooms and other vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes and onions.

Studies have shown that consuming 50% of calories at breakfast, 30% at lunch and 20% at dinner led to a decrease in hunger compared to the opposite eating pattern.

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Author: alex

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