The National Police dismissed the policeman who caused a scandal in a restaurant in Kyiv this morning

The National Police of Ukraine dismissed the operational officer of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police, who caused a scandal in the Kyiv Goodwine restaurant on the morning of April 21 . About this blogger Ihor Lachenkov.

The incident happened on the morning of April 21, 2024, wrote Maksym Shkil, CEO of the MS Capital holding (the Autostrada group of companies from Vinnytsia, the contractor for the restoration of the Kyiv subway and the winner of many road tenders).

According to Shkil, at 9:30 he came for breakfast at the Goodwine restaurant in Pechersk and saw that other people were sitting at the reserved table. One of them scolded the employees of the restaurant, “rejected the reserve and sat down at the table.” At the attempt of the director of “Avtostrada” to politely resolve the situation, “he began to tell me that he would not get up and outlined the prospect of what would happen to me.” who are we…” The conversation ended with our future being outlined for all of us and the couple left with threats,” Maxim Shkil describes the situation.

According to Shkil, the scandal was organized by Vitaly Manasyan, an employee of the National Police's strategic investigations department.

Quote”I can say one thing – that this is an example of the disgrace of the high rank of “policeman”, and such employees should not have a place in the system of law and order,” emphasized Shkil.

According to Maksym Shkil, Manasyan has an Audi RS 6 on Kyiv rooms. A car in his declaration, commentators in FB immediately clarified.

The National Police released a policeman who caused a scandal in a restaurant in Kyiv this morning

Previously, Vitaliy Manasyan was also involved in an illegal invasion of a private house in the Kyiv region.

Mikhail Tkach, a journalist of “Ukrainian Pravda”, known for anti-corruption investigations, was also interested in the person and car of the employee of the DSR National Police.

In three hours, the incident gained publicity. The release of Manasyan was reported by the media, and later by Shkil himself.

Earlier, a high-profile scandal occurred with the deputy head of the National Police, Dmytro Tyshlek, over his wife's Russian passport. Tyshlek was forced to write a report on dismissal.

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Author: alex

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