The neurologist explained why you should not abuse headache pills
A neurologist warned: excessive abuse of headache pills can not only cause the opposite effect, but also complicate the problem.
Every person has encountered a headache at least once in his life. But some suffer from migraine attacks constantly, so they are forced to regularly use painkillers. Otherwise, life turns into hell… What is the danger of drug addiction?
“Abusing painkillers for headache leads to the development of drug-induced headache, it is also called abusive headache. Taking more than 10-12 pills per month is considered abuse,” explained the expert.
In the event that your monthly dose of headache pills is already critical or approaching the extreme assessment, you should immediately consult a neurologist. or a doctor who specializes in the treatment of headaches.
The doctor will select and prescribe the correct therapy that will allow you to cancel the drugs that have caused addiction and dependence. But the most important thing in such a situation is not just to eliminate the symptom, but to establish the real cause of such a frequent headache. In most cases, you cannot do without a comprehensive examination.
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