The nutritionist called a useful substitute for yogurt with a fruit filling

Store yogurts with different fillers usually contain chemical additives and a large amount of sugar, which is not at all good for health. Fermented milk products with self-added natural ingredients will help to replace them.

The main candidate for replacing “chemical” yogurt with fruit filler is plain yogurt without additives, which is produced in large quantities in Ukraine. To make the yogurt tastier, you can add jam, jam, honey, fresh berries, dried fruits, or nuts to it.

Nutritionist Eva Shishova notes that such yogurt will be “one hundred times more useful than yogurts with fillers.” In addition, the expert says, yogurt can be replaced with kefir and ryazhenka.

The latter, according to the expert, is much more useful than other products. “It contains lactobacilli. People buy supplements for a lot of money, but they could do with a glass of ryazhanka or kefir,” Shyshova emphasizes.

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Author: alex

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