The nutritionist called useful and harmful foods for breakfast
According to a nutritionist, breakfast is useful for breakfast Use complex carbohydrates, protein. Harmful: sweet tea and coffee, rolls and flakes.
Brazilian scientists have presented that refusing home breakfasts before school is one of the leading causes of rapid obesity among modern adolescents, as well as premature development in young people generations of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. During the day we eat much less food. It turns out that the overall calorie content of the diet is reduced, ”the specialist explained.
also told what breakfast should be. Prevents the vibration of blood sugar gain, ”the doctor stated.
Harmful products. Tea and coffee, flakes. According to the expert, there is a sharp rise in glucose and insulin release, after which the desire to eat again, as well as fatigue and reduction of performance,
” Harmful additives through which the body does not receive nutrients, ”the nutritionist added.
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