The nutritionist explained how tea should be consumed and to whom it is contraindicated
Many people believe that tea is not harmful to health, but in fact it should be consumed based on well-being and the presence of diseases. The nutritionist named contraindications and gave recommendations for hot drink lovers.
Among the many varieties of tea, semi-fermented oolong from China is the safest. It is rich in useful elements, but you can't drink it all in a row. First of all, those who have ulcer diseases and problems with the work of the digestive tract should refuse the product. You need to pay particular attention to the warnings during the exacerbation of the disease.
Those who cannot give up the drink should switch to puer during such periods. It has a beneficial effect on well-being, eliminating heartburn, various disorders and colic. At the same time, it should not be drunk with problems with the cardiovascular system, with hypertension, elevated body temperature, and glaucoma. It should be excluded from the diet of pregnant women and children under the age of three should not be fed to them.
When using karkade, people should remember not only its properties, but also its negative effects. Although it improves metabolism, you can't drink it with an ulcer. It is not recommended to drink it with atherosclerosis. This tea is capable of provoking insomnia, and if it is brewed stronger than usual, a person will begin to feel a headache and irritability.
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