The nutritionist explained why you should not skip dinner
If you constantly skip one of the meals, then the human body will try to neutralize this negligence. Serbian nutritionist Jasna Vujicic explained why you should not forget to eat dinner.
If you regularly skip any meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), it will affect your body. According to the expert, not eating on time is a mistake, as skipping a meal slows down metabolism and can lead to overeating at the next meal.
However, it can also cause damage to organs. The level of activity and glucose changes, and the gastrointestinal tract feels a heavy load. Most diets are ineffective because they recommend skipping dinner.
There are dishes that should not be eaten for dinner. Among them were pizza, sandwiches, muesli, meat, fried potatoes, pasta and barbecue. This is heavy food, which the body will have difficulty digesting, which means that everything settles on the sides, buttocks and waist.
In the evening, you need to focus on eating proteins, which saturate the body. Then a person will go to bed without a feeling of heaviness in the stomach from undigested food.
Dinner should be three hours before bedtime and at the same time every day. The next meal-breakfast should be after 10-11 hours. However, if you skip dinner, the body will not receive certain substances for functioning, including for metabolism.
If you eat animal and vegetable proteins during the day, the kidneys and liver will automatically take on a sufficient load of blood filtration from substances that are formed during the assimilation of protein, and then it is not desirable to take it for dinner. In this case, it is recommended to choose a light meal, for example, a salad or a mixture of vegetables.
As for animal proteins, it is better to use white meat and fish, supplementing with salads and vegetables that contain fiber. Complex carbohydrates should also be consumed. Cereals and legumes with a sufficient amount of protein can be eaten for dinner.
Most people avoid these foods, but they are very useful: quinoa, rice and buckwheat porridge, amaranth. Fats are also useful, in this regard, you can use olive oil for cooking and dressing salads. In addition, it is worth adding nuts, seeds and lemon juice to food.
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