The nutritionist listed 5 ways not to get sick during the cold weather

With the onset of cold weather, colds diseases occur more and more often, but there are very simple and effective methods that protect against this type of disease. 

The first place in the top 5 was singing. The doctor recommends performing musical compositions at any time and under any conditions. You can sing on the way home in the car, while cleaning or while cooking dinner. The effect of vocals was confirmed by a study conducted by experts at the University of Frankfurt. Volunteers who performed the compositions for an hour during the week showed a higher level of immunoglobulin A in their blood tests, which is designed to fight infections and has a beneficial effect on the level of the stress hormone.

A warm scarf came in second place in the rating. According to the doctor, the fact is that bacteria and viruses multiply faster in a cold environment. If the nose and throat are warm, these dangerous microorganisms have almost no chance. In addition, the doctor recommended spending as much time as possible in the fresh air. You need to walk slowly and measuredly, you can use sticks for Nordic walking. Being in the fresh air tones up the immune system, and also helps you fall asleep faster and has a positive effect on the quality of sleep.

Next comes the recommendation to drink more. According to the doctor, indoors, the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract begins to dry out, so microbes penetrate it more easily. You need to drink about two liters of water a day. You can use the rule: you need to drink a glass of water for one meal and after each cup of coffee or tea.

The list closes with a recommendation to refuse to shake hands. According to Mosley, the more hugs and handshakes, the greater the chance of catching the virus. You can come up with other ways to greet. In addition, it is worth remembering the need to regularly wash your hands.

If it has already happened that a person has a cold, it is necessary to introduce zinc into his diet, which shortens the period of illness. Sauerkraut also helps fight SARS.

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Author: alex

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