The nutritionist listed foods that are good for the heart

Some foods have a particularly beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The benefits of individual components of the diet were listed by a nutritionist.

Tea mushroom is gaining popularity. The product contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on liver function. The positive effect will be felt by the cardiovascular system, moreover, after a month of active inclusion of the drink in the diet.

Tea mushroom is able to reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol and raise the concentration of good cholesterol. Some elements are especially important for the heart, these are proteins, natural carbohydrates and fats.

The nutritionist advises supplementing the daily menu with fish from the northern seas, it is rich in omega-3 and supports cell fluidity, which is important for the prevention of thrombosis. Fats can be found in avocados and unrefined oils, if they have undergone cold mechanical pressing.

Not only healthy fats will have a positive effect on the work of the heart, but also foods rich in carbohydrates or fats, if they are of natural origin. Proteins can be found in fish, meat or poultry. Carbohydrates will be needed so that the body can function energetically.

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Author: alex

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