The nutritionist named 5 important products for proper nutrition

American nutritionist Barbara Quinn talks about 5 healthy products that she always advises patients to include in their diet.


Foods with a high content of soluble fiber are known for their ability to lower glucose and cholesterol levels.


“I am not indifferent to blueberries, but all types of berries are packed with what scientists call bioactive compounds that help protect the heart and brain.”

They may even help ease bowel problems. Enjoy them fresh, frozen or dried to supplement your daily supply of nutrients.

All types of cabbage

Cauliflower, along with other cruciferous vegetables vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain substances that are widely studied for their ability to neutralize cancer-causing toxins. They are considered a non-starchy vegetable that is high in nutrients and fiber, yet low in carbohydrates and calories.


In addition to the fact that whole eggs are the most digestible high-quality protein on the planet, they are rich in choline, a nutrient our bodies need for brain development, as well as mood, memory, and muscle control.

Grapes >

“I can't tell you how many of my clients mistakenly thought grapes were off limits because they were 'high in sugar'. Not necessarily. For example, half a cup of red grapes contains about the same amount of natural sugar as a small apple.”

Red grapes have additional antioxidant properties thanks to their red pigment.

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Author: alex

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