The nutritionist named 5 useless eating habits
The nutritionist listed ineffective eating habits.
According to the expert, it is not uncommon for people in an attempt to eat right to perform food rituals that do not work as they are supposed to.
So often a mistake is to give up carbohydrates in the evening or, on the contrary, to eat sweets in the morning in the hope for weight loss.⠀
“It doesn't matter what time you eat the candy. Whether in the morning or in the evening, the result will be the same: balance during the day is important,” explained the nutritionist.
Another mistake is separating proteins from carbohydrates, or supposedly incompatible products (for example, cucumbers and kefir). The specialist explained that all products can be combined, it is only important to pay attention to the reaction of your own body to certain combinations.
Also, the expert urged to stop drinking water excessively, and also not to be afraid to eat fruit because of the “large amount of sugar” .
“It is recommended to eat at least 500 grams of fruit per day. But! There is no need to be afraid and avoid fruits! They are rich in vitamins and minerals, and fructose is restrained by fiber, it releases it slowly. Give preference to whole fruits,” she concluded.
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