The nutritionist named five products not recommended for use by people with oily skin

The nutritionist said that owners of oily skin often face black dots and pimples. The specialist does not advise adding five products to the diet, in particular, we are talking about fatty food, store-bought sauces, sweets, refined sugar, dairy products, alcohol.

Foods with a large amount of fat

The nutritionist does not recommend people to eat fatty, fried, smoked, refined food, as well as semi-finished products. For example, fried potatoes, pork knuckle, burgers, purchased pizza, fatty meats, sausage products, store-bought dumplings should be eliminated from the diet.

They can lead to excessive production of sebum as a result of a large fat content. “Because of this, you can face clogging of pores, and if there is an infection, pimples appear,” said the expert.

Sauces from the supermarket

Purchased sauces are enriched with refined oils, sugar, flavor enhancers and dyes. There are quite a lot of calories in these products.

Sweets, refined sugar

You should avoid buttery buns, pastries and cakes. Sugar is able to extract water from skin cells, as a result of which the metabolism slows down and an inflammatory process can occur.

Skimmed dairy products

According to the nutritionist, you should use low-fat dairy products with caution. Regular consumption of milk causes acne. Skimmed milk is more likely to provoke a rash. People with skin problems should choose an alternative to this product very carefully.

Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol has a negative effect on the body. Alcohol is harmful for the skin, the nutritionist said. In addition to its toxic effect, it can dehydrate the skin, leading to microcracks, which in the presence of bacteria provoke inflammation.

How to eat for people with oily skin

To avoid problems with the skin, it is necessary to adjust the diet. There should be enough protein, vegetables, fruits rich in fiber and water in the diet. Protein deficiency can be filled with dietary meats, for example, chicken, turkey, rabbit. You can eat fiber in vegetables and fruits, which cleanses the body. You should not eat a lot of sweet fruits, such as: persimmons, figs, grapes, melons, bananas. Water should be calculated at 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

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Author: alex

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