The nutritionist named simple food for weight loss without fasting

Australian nutritionist Leanne Ward named several foods , sold in any supermarket, which will help tune the body to a wave of proper nutrition.

The final result of their use will be weight loss without any serious consequences for the body.

As the Daily writes Mail, the doctor gave advice to add herbal tea, chia seeds and oatmeal to the daily diet.

In addition, in her opinion, eggs, chicken breasts and unrefined olive oil will also contribute to the rapid shedding of unnecessary kilograms.

Ward noted that in order to lose weight, you don't need to starve yourself or give up your favorite foods. It is quite simple to monitor the size of the portions and eat a little less than the body requires.

“There is no certain food that will help you burn fat. In order to lose weight, food must fill the deficit in calories,” the expert explained, stressing that for this it is necessary that the diet be as balanced as possible.

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Author: alex

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