The nutritionist named the 5 most harmful cereals for breakfast
Nutrition experts often recommend the first daily meal to eat porridge, but some of them can cause more harm to the body than good. Nutritionist Kateryna Chorna named the 5 most harmful breakfasts made from boiled cereals.
According to the expert, many people prefer to cook fast food in the form of cereals and sweet granola instead of regular porridge in the morning, mistakenly believing that such dishes are healthy. In fact, these flakes are made from regular flour with a lot of added sugar. In other words, these are fast carbohydrates, energy from which will be enough for less than an hour, and a person will want to eat again. At the same time, you should expect a jump in the insulin index and an increased feeling of hunger, which can provoke excess body weight and even rashes on the skin. Such breakfasts are often filled with cow's pasteurized milk, which has nothing useful.
In addition, the specialist called semolina harmful. This porridge is made from wheat and contains gluten. After 30 minutes, this fast carbohydrate will break down in the body into glucose. Semolina is not a separate type of cereal. In fact, grind it into a fine crumb. If such porridge is given to children, in adulthood they may have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Rice porridge, which is prepared from steamed white groats, also turned out to be harmful. The feeling of hunger after eating such a breakfast will not be delayed. In addition, there are no useful substances in it.
In the fourth place in the anti-rating according to Kateryna Chornaya, five-minute porridges from various cereals were found. There are no valuable substances in such food, as they are destroyed in the process of heat treatment. It is best to choose cereals that need to be cooked for 20-25 minutes. Corn porridge closes the list. It also refers to fast carbohydrates, if we are talking about steamed cereals. There is no benefit in such food.
At the same time, the expert recommended paying attention to porridge made from green buckwheat, peas and flax seeds. They perfectly saturate the body and the feeling of hunger will not come soon.
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