The nutritionist named the best habits for breakfast
To lower cholesterol, it is important to pay special attention to products that include in the daily diet. When it comes to breakfast, experts advise to include more fiber and healthy fats in it.
Nutritionist Courtney D'angelo (Courtney D'angelo) talked about the best breakfast habits that will help to cope with high cholesterol.
The Right Fats
According to D'Angelo, eating foods rich in unsaturated fats can have a significant impact on cholesterol levels in the body. “First of all, try to limit the use of saturated fats, which can be found in dairy and processed products, as well as baked goods. If there are too many of them, the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad” cholesterol, in the blood can rise significantly. Try replacing these foods with healthier ones, such as nuts, lean meats and vegetable oils,” explained D'Angelo.
More soluble fiber
The nutritionist advised to start your day with a sufficient amount of soluble fiber, as it slows down the absorption of cholesterol in the body. “Studies show that only 5-10 g of soluble fiber per day can lower LDL cholesterol,” the expert explained. Good sources of the substance include oats, chia seeds, flax seeds, lentils, beans and berries.
More omega-3s
D'Angelo also reminded that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can indirectly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood. These acids can lower triglycerides and even help stabilize blood pressure, she says. The easiest way to get enough omega-3 for breakfast is to eat walnuts or flax seeds.
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