The nutritionist named the categories of people who cannot eat raspberries
Raspberry is a very tasty and healthy berry, but not all people can eat it. A nutritionist commented on the situation.
According to her, an adult who has no health problems can eat up to 400 g of raspberries a day without harm. The berry is contraindicated for those who have an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis or ulcer), as well as for those who suffer from kidney problems. As for the latter, raspberries are very diuretic, and this can increase the load on the organs.
As the expert notes, you need to be more careful with raspberries, as they are a strong allergen. Those who are not allergic to strawberries can eat the berry. It is important to understand that it significantly increases appetite and this can prevent people who intend to lose weight. In such a case, the doctor recommends removing the product from the diet for a while or eating it paired with soft cheese or yogurt.
The berry contains a number of acids, including malic and citric, and it also contains a lot of fiber. It has a laxative effect, which will be useful for people who suffer from constipation. Raspberries contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and copper, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, it is known for its powerful antiseptic effect and helps with throat diseases and colds.
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