The nutritionist named the main rules of longevity

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Life is full of uncertainty, but some threats can be protected by a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionist Mark Gilbert listed the main rules of nutrition that can help achieve longevity.

First of all, he said that you should limit the number of calories you consume. The specialist called it the most studied method. It can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and metabolic diseases.

So, according to Gilbert, diabetes can be prevented in those who follow a low-calorie diet known as the Cambridge 1:1 Diet. With it, a person receives up to 1500 calories a day with the help of bars, smoothies, cocktails and soups. What's more, some studies show that cutting calories by 15% a day can slow down aging, Express writes.

Gilbert also advised monitoring the amount of vitamin D you get. Its level in the body is inversely proportional to the risk of death, the nutritionist clarified. In addition, according to a large study, vitamin D deficiency is associated with mortality from various causes: for example, from cardiovascular diseases, cancer and infections.

The expert recommended eating more berries for longevity. They strengthen the health of the heart, can reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and lower blood pressure. Berries, Gilbert pointed out, promote blood flow and prevent the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol.

The nutritionist also spoke about the importance of green tea. Yes, the substances in the drink help protect DNA, control blood sugar, and lower blood pressure. According to seven studies involving 286,701 people, green tea drinkers had an 18% lower risk of diabetes.

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Author: alex

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