The nutritionist named the products that should not be bought in the supermarket
The nutritionist wrote a list food products that are undesirable to buy in stores.
The specialist said that pasteurized milk and refined oils are dangerous for human health. Pasteurization can change caseinogen (milk protein) and cause lactose intolerance – i.e. hypolactasia, which an average of 75% of society suffers from.
First of all, the doctor drew attention to refined oils, which are a powerful carcinogen and can lead to cardiovascular diseases. The nutritionist also classified chicken meat as dangerous products, to which hormones and antibacterial drugs can be added.
In addition, the nutritionist mentioned packaged juices. They do not give the body any benefit, because there are dyes, sugar and a large number of preservatives.
The doctor noted that excessive use of such products can provoke such diseases as diabetes and obesity.
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