The nutritionist named three effective vitamins for strengthening immunity

When cold and flu season comes, many people start taking vitamins. Although doctors say that there is no need for supplements if the diet is balanced, there are several vitamins that can strengthen the immune system. which vitamins are scientifically proven.

Vitamin D

First of all, the specialist reminded about the benefits of vitamin D. In addition to the fact that it affects the absorption of calcium and bone homeostasis , the substance also plays a key role in modulating the immune response. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased autoimmunity and susceptibility to infection, Sin explained, citing a study published on the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) website.

Vitamin K2

The fat-soluble vitamin is most often associated with blood clotting, but this is not the only role it plays in the human body. According to the nutritionist, like vitamin D, it also modulates the immune response. According to a study published in the journal ResearchGate, Vitamin K works as a cofactor for certain plasma proteins, thereby influencing immune and inflammatory responses.

Vitamin C

“Vitamin C plays a critical role in the operation of various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune systems, including the maintenance of the barrier function of the epithelium against potential “invaders”. In addition, it is able to shorten the duration of the common cold,” said Sin. She also noted the importance of zinc consumption, which is necessary for the development and activation of immune cells.

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Author: alex

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