The nutritionist said that a man must eat after 40 years

< p>Maria Kardakova, an expert in the field of nutrition in Great Britain, told what products should be eaten by men who have reached the age of 40.

According to her, an important component in the diet of an adult man is abundant consumption of fiber and antioxidants. So, the menu of representatives of the stronger sex at the age of 40+ should include five servings of plant food. It can be vegetables and fruits. The nutritionist noted a special benefit in eating buckwheat porridge.

Thus, the specialist says, the risk of developing diseases of the entire cardiovascular system of men is reduced.

“Often, this category of men is contemptuous treats vegetables in your diet. The recommendations tell us that the risks of cardiovascular diseases can be significantly reduced by including five servings of vegetables and fruits a day in the diet,” she explained.

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Author: alex

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