The nutritionist spoke about the body's reaction to the daily use of bananas
Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Cynthia Sass said that bananas are extremely useful for the human body. Every day you need to eat one fruit, which will significantly improve the work of the stomach and intestines.
Cynthia Sass noted that it is necessary to introduce bananas into the daily diet, along with other fruits, as well as berries and citrus fruits. One medium-sized fruit contains 422 mg of potassium, which is 12% of the daily norm of an adult.
In addition, bananas are rich in fiber, which is necessary for the stable work of the gastrointestinal tract. One fruit contains at least 20% of the daily norm of vitamins B6 and C, the beneficial effect of a banana on internal organs is also noted. The nutritionist further noted that the named product has an advantage over other fruits.
If you make a drink from bananas, it is much more effective than sports drinks and “energy drinks”. It is a rich mixture of natural sugars and antioxidants.
Bananas lower blood pressure and improve metabolism, which activates the work of internal organs. These fruits contain extremely useful bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the digestive process.
Persons suffering from stomach disorders can get rid of negative processes when eating bananas. In addition, this product prevents constipation and flatulence, and also suppresses heartburn.
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