The nutritionist talked about an easy morning ritual that will help you lose weight
Although there is no magic pill for weight loss, many people prefer to drink lemon water in the morning. All you have to do is drink lemon water every day and you will lose weight in no time.
Sounds too good to be true, right? Dietitian St. J. Hamilton, also known as the “nutritionist for autoimmune diseases”, told whether this easy morning ritual can really help you lose a few kilograms.
According to nutritionist St. J. Hamilton, lemon water is not only a tasty alternative to plain tap water, but also the key to maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight.
“Lemon water helps maintain the body's water balance, which is incredibly important for weight loss. Numerous studies have shown that increased water consumption before meals promotes satiety and satiety, as well as reduces food cravings. You can drink this refreshing drink throughout the day to achieve the maximum effect. If you replace lemon water with sodas and fruit juices, you're more likely to lose weight because you're consuming far fewer calories.”
Lemon water has the same effect whether you drink it in the morning or not. or late at night However, she warned: “if you drink it in the evening, it can disturb your sleep, so it is better to drink it earlier in the day.” According to the nutritionist, lemon water has a structure similar to the gastric juice in the stomach, therefore, it promotes the release of bile from the liver.
“By promoting the release of bile from the liver, it can support the smooth digestion of food through the gastrointestinal tract.”
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