The nutritionist told how to force yourself to eat and how to stop stress eating

There is one answer to both questions: take care of hormones, namely:


  • The chemistry of self-reward. Finish things (even micro-things) “Well done,” our brain likes to think.
  • Do self-care rituals – self-massage, normal oral hygiene, long combing (microcirculation), just lying down.
  • Maximum balanced diet. There is also a reverse side — overeating from rewarding oneself with food, filling emptiness with it, suppressing anxiety. But it's worth remembering that food is fuel, not a destressor. Look adequately at what you do.
  • Celebrating small victories. Praise yourself! For example, for the previous point.


  • Serotonin is a mood stabilizer.
  • Meditate is very useful.
  • Do aerobic exercises: exercise, squats, active walking, just a slow walk in nature. But the thoughts should not be in the news, but to be in the moment with nature, to observe the environment. Observe, study, see how beautiful all around you, how incredible nature is, even for five minutes a day.
  • Do breathing exercises.

Endorphin >

This hormone is also a natural pain reliever. You can get it with the help of the following available items:

  • Laughter
  • Aroma oils
  • Green or herbal tea
  • Bitter chocolate , vanilla.


  • Hug, even just hold someone's hand (you can also hug yourself).
  • Spend time with children, family, pets
  • Say compliments

Melatonin is a hormone best known as a helper sleep Melatonin regulates sleep by affecting the body's biological clock.

  • A better recovery has not been invented yet
  • It is better to go to bed at 10-11:30 p.m., but it is more important to just get enough sleep for 6-8 hours, even taking naps. But give preference to sleep in complete darkness, coolness, preferably under a heavy blanket.
  • Decreasing the light load after sunset (without bright and blue cold light, switch gadgets to night mode).
  • Reduction of stimulants (including coffee and alcohol) in the evening.

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Author: alex

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