The nutritionist told me to mean different signals of the body
a nutritionist said that they mean certain signals of the body. Each such need indicates a specific health problem.
for example, when you want sweet, it indicates nervous exhaustion. When the body requires sweets, you can eat bitter chocolate or honey. There may be another situation where there is a passionate desire to eat salty cucumbers. This need may indicate inflammatory processes or possible infection. In this case, the nutritionist recommends that you consult your doctor and check your health. If you want fresh food, gastritis may develop. Housing problems may also indicate the need for spicy foods. The desire to eat something sour indicates the need to stimulate the work of the gallbladder and liver. In this case, ordinary lemon can help.
Another important signal for humans is dry skin. This means that the body can lack in Vitamin E. It is possible to fill its deficiency by including nuts, fish and vegetable oils in the diet. If the nails and hair become brittle, the body may lack calcium and vitamins of group B. It is possible to fill the lack of these substances by consuming porridge and whole grain bread. If there is a sleep disturbance, the body probably requires magnesium and potassium. With this problem, you should add dried apricots, prunes and beets to the diet.
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