The nutritionist told which leftover food can be dangerous for health

< p>When you need a quick and easy snack, the leftovers from yesterday's dinner come to the rescue. However, doctors warn that some food can put health at risk. Experts warn that food that has been left out of the refrigerator for a long time is dangerous to eat.

“Put food in the refrigerator as soon as it cools down. Ideally, it shouldn't take more than two hours,” says Catherine Zeratsky, a nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic.

To speed up the process, she recommends transferring food from pots and pans to shallow containers for faster cooling.

Experts warn that the wrong temperature regime leads to the rapid reproduction of bacteria in products, as a result of which they can release toxins. This is true not only for meat, but also for pasta or porridge.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, this means that any dishes that have been sitting for two hours or more at room temperature will have to cast out. And with trips to barbecues it is still more difficult. Products that were prepared using high temperatures should be put in the refrigerator within an hour.

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Author: alex

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