The oncologist named the category of people who are least prone to cancer
The disease chooses its victims among those who are focused on negative emotions.
As it turned out, not only the physical condition of a person, but also his emotional mood plays a big role for cancer. People who are optimistic about life are the least prone to cancer. This was stated by an oncologist and surgeon.
The specialist claims that cancer is more often diagnosed in people who are focused on negative emotions.
“Open people, people who feel positive emotions, sociable, who look positively at things and the world, in my opinion, they are significantly less sick than those who are closed, aggressive, dissatisfied with life”, – the doctor cites the data of his observations.
He admits that the cause of the formation of cancer cells in organism has not been established yet. But chronic inflammation, chronic stress, genetic predisposition and poor nutrition are a favorable environment for the development of the disease.
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