The only ingredient turned out to be able to kill the beneficial properties of tea

Tea is the second most popular drink in world, second only to water. Scientists continue to discover new properties of this drink, proving its health benefits.

In particular, research has revealed the benefits of drinking black and green tea. Given that past studies have confirmed the ability of their antioxidants to fight cancer and improve cardiovascular health, a group of scientists from the University of California decided to test whether these drinks can cause blood vessels to dilate and lower blood pressure.

B as a result, it was found that the two polyphenols activate the KCNQ5 gene, which regulates nerve activity and prevents the narrowing of blood vessels.

However, there is something that nullifies all the beneficial effects of tea. It is about milk, which many people around the world like to add to their drinks. It turned out that milk suppresses the activation of the KCNQ5 gene and, as a result, interferes with lowering blood pressure.

However, scientists emphasized that milk itself does not have such an effect. The property is activated only in combination with black tea.

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Author: alex

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