The only rule of a billionaire: how to treat money so that there is always plenty of it

Journalists called this billionaire “a rich man with the tastes and preferences of a poor man”, he despised luxury and appreciated simplicity in everything.

How to treat money so that it will always be in abundance

In general, the most important rule that Henry Foundation derived is that money is needed for useful service, not for increasing wealth. If a person understands this, he will never be poor.

There are several other important principles that guided the billionaire, which helped him achieve such success and recognition.

  1. Having money is necessary, but they must be earned through useful activities.
  2. No one should be a scumbag, there is no place for idlers in the civilized world.
  3. You should not spend the money you earn on the treasury, because you cannot live without means of subsistence.
  4. The monetary system of the country must be effective, because a healthy society is built on the exchange of goods and services, where money is a tool, not the ultimate goal.
  5. A person must be guided by a single principle – to be simple, so that the satisfaction of everyday needs does not turn into slavery.

So, for the billionaire Henry Ford, money was only a tool, and not the ultimate goal of his activity. That is why they were constantly multiplying, he was a man with a mission – his mind, work and billions were useful to society.

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Author: alex

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