The optimal time for the “last” glass of water has been found
Many people know that a person should drink a lot of water – some experts talk about eight glasses a day. However, not everyone guesses when it is better to stop drinking water and drain the last glass in 24 hours.
It is noted that those who do sports or live in a humid climate are recommended to drink the most water. At the same time, there are some recommendations according to which you should stop drinking water at a certain time.
So, urologist Vannita Simma-Chiang, MD, said that it is best to drink the last glass three to four hours before bedtime. , because drinking a glass of water before going to bed will make you get up at night and go to the toilet, thereby disrupting normal sleep.
At the same time, the specialist warned that many may not drink water before going to bed, but constantly wake up at night to go to the toilet. In this case, we can probably talk about nocturia – a pathology in which a person is forced to wake up several times a night to empty the bladder.
Simma-Chiang explains that in this case, certain mechanisms in the body are not allow you to produce a sufficient amount of a hormone that slows down the work of the kidneys during sleep.
In order not to face the problems of constant awakenings, the doctor advises to give up not only drinking water before going to bed, but also carbonated drinks, as well as juices, coffee and alcohol.
At the same time, she emphasized that the feeling of constant thirst or frequent trips to the toilet can indicate other problems – for example, type 2 diabetes.
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