The personal choice of the star children of Maria Burmaka and Masha Efrosinina: what mothers are dissatisfied with

Every mother has inner feelings for her children. And star singers, presenters, TV journalists, actresses are no exception in this respect. Let's talk today about two different lines of motherhood, namely Maria Burmaka and Masha Yefrosynina. What are they disappointed and not very satisfied with?

Maria Burmaka has an adult daughter. She is 28 years old. In one of the interviews, the singer noted that they do not always have an easy relationship with their daughter. The main thing for her is that she remains a kind, sincere, good and decent person.

Personal choice of the star children of Maria Burmaka and Masha Efrosinina: what mothers are dissatisfied with

Maria Burmaka is dissatisfied with her daughter's choice of activities. She tries herself in music and has an online store of vintage things on İnstagram. As a mother, she would like her daughter to choose a different path, but she will not impose anything. Maria has hope that things will change, because her adult child is still on the path of finding himself.

Masha Efrosinina has a slightly different situation. She is unhappy more with herself in the aspect of an incident that happened many years ago. Because of him, her daughter Nana forbade posting her photos on the star mom's blog.

Once, at the age of 12-13, Nana went with her class on an excursion to Lviv. They drank sweet drinks, ate something. One of Masha Yefrosinina's subscribers took a photo of Nana and sent it to her with the words: “Your daughter is involved in such a mess in the carriage…”. And at this moment, Nana's publicity was put an end to. Masha asked her how she could behave like that. The answer to this was: “And how did they have the right to film me without my permission?”.

Personal choice of the star children of Maria Burmaki and Masha Yefrosininoy: what mothers are dissatisfied with

Since then, Nana does not allow her mother to take pictures of her and post them on Instagram. Masha Efrosinina believes that she made a big mistake then, that she reacted to a photo from a subscriber and carelessly made a remark to her daughter.

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Author: alex

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