The psychologist named 3 ways to cope with severe stress

There are three science-based ways to manage stress . They are elements of conscious cognitive-behavioral therapy and are a structure of three appeals – “think, act, be”. Psychologist Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D., offers practical advice on how to deal with severe stress.

Think differently

Start exploring your thoughts. Notice when your thoughts are causing you stress. “I have to do it today”, “I have to be on time”, “I only have five hours left for work”… All these are phrases that increase excitement and anxiety. Are you “supposed” to finish the project today or is this an arbitrary deadline? Maybe what you're working on is taking exactly as long as it needs to be. See what it's like to get rid of the stereotypes of thinking that cause fears.

Do something different

Purpose each day to do something that brings you pleasure. Schedule enjoyable activities on your calendar and treat this time as if it were meant for work. Look for opportunities to let go of activities that are unnecessary and exhaust you mentally, physically or emotionally, emphasizes psychologist Gillihan.

Be here and now

Mostly severe stress occurs because our attention is not focused on the here and now, but on the future that we worry about, or on the past that we continue to experience. Concentrate on the present moment and live it. And for thinking about things that were or will be, take some special time of the day. Leave them there.

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Author: alex

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