The psychologist talked about how a mother can become a threat to a newborn child
The main danger to a newborn can be his mother. The psychologist explained the causes of postpartum depression in women.
According to the doctor, most often the harm to her own baby is caused by a mother who is in postpartum depression. But the manifestation of depression, according to the psychologist, is primarily due to the desire to have time to do everything herself at once.
Women often try to combine feeding and caring for the baby with household chores and even work. Such increased loads weaken the body, which is already weakened by the birth process, which often leads to chronic fatigue and insomnia. Attention, concentration on details decrease, and a sense of responsibility is dulled.
The psychologist recommends that mothers of babies get enough sleep at night, finding any opportunity to do so. It is worth taking advantage of the help of relatives and loved ones, but it is a normal, healthy night's sleep that is fully responsible for the physical and moral state of a young mother.
In a video interview, the psychologist explained that motherhood is not a sprint, but a marathon, when you need to competently distribute your own internal resources, reject stereotypes imposed by society, and take care of yourself first. A healthy mother who has had enough sleep will bring much more benefit to her child and will be able to give more love.
The baby must be accustomed to the regime from childhood, since this process is not fully formed in newborns. The mother's task, for the sake of herself and her baby, is to teach him to sleep at night so that he can let her sleep too. The psychologist believes that for a healthy environment within a young family, it is necessary to prescribe sleep like medicine.
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