The risk of developing dementia has been linked to the condition of the gums

In the last few years, dementia began to be diagnosed all more often This is a group of symptoms associated with brain decline. The first and most visible sign of dementia is memory loss, and as the condition progresses, personality changes and hallucinations may occur.

Recently, experts have discovered an obscure symptom that increases the risk of developing dementia.

< p>According to Express, Chinese scientists observed 8,000 people for 13 years, recorded their cognitive functions and state of health, including the oral cavity.

As a result, they discovered a strong correlation between tooth loss and a decrease in cognitive function. Another study found that dementia and Alzheimer's disease may be caused by the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is involved in gum disease.

This bacterium has been found to invade areas of the brain and inflame them. This bacteria was also found in healthy people, but it was at a low level.

This supports the theory that Porphyromonas gingivalis does not enter the brain as a result of Alzheimer's disease, but may be the cause. In this regard, experts advise to monitor the condition of the gums and timely treat any diseases of the oral cavity.

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Author: alex

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