The scientist named the best time to fall asleep
According to the scientist neurophysiologist Volodymyr Dorokhov, to maintain good health it is useful to fall asleep before midnight.
The scientist said that the duration of night sleep should be at least six hours – otherwise the body will not be able to fully recover. If you don't sleep systematically, life expectancy can be shortened by 10-15 years, warned Dorokhov.
The scientific expert also named the best time to fall asleep. The specialist explained that you should go to bed during the period of maximum production of the hormone melatonin by the body.
“The sleep hormone melatonin begins to be produced at approximately 10:00 p.m. The peak of its concentration falls on the period from one o'clock to three o'clock in the morning. By this time, you need to go to sleep, and the best – before 00:00″, said Volodymyr Dorokhov, head of the sleep and wakefulness neurobiology laboratory of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The scientist advised falling asleep at the same time, this is one way to protect yourself from insomnia. Another expert advice is not to use a smartphone before going to bed, as the specific glow of its screen suppresses the processes of melatonin synthesis.
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