The “secret” ingredient for okroshka that will make the dish tastier
In the hot summer, you don't want to eat hot soup. A good way out of this situation is to prepare a cold version of this dish. The ideal option is okroshka.
It is very easy to prepare: just chop vegetables, sausage and eggs, and then pour this mass with kefir or unsweetened kvass.
However, there is a problem: many people cook okroshka too often in the summer. As a result, the taste of the dish eventually ceases to be perceived as bright. Moreover, the dish may simply bore a person. However, one simple ingredient can radically change the situation.
How to improve okroshka
A popular spice – suneli hops – will help to change the taste of okroshka for the better.
It is enough to add one pinch of this seasoning to a plate filled with a ready-made dish.
The result will be pleasantly surprising: the dish will acquire an incredible taste. Even those who did not like the dish before will be delighted with such an okroshka.
However, the effect is explained quite simply: suneli hops consists of a considerable number of spices, each of which goes perfectly with the vegetable, meat and egg components of okroshka.
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