The Secret of Longevity: Five Simple Ways to Extend Your Life by Ten Years
2 < p>Nutritionist Federica Amati told how you can increase your life expectancy by more than ten years. The specialist recommended developing healthy habits that are followed by residents of the so-called blue zones: Okinawa, Sardinia, Nicoya, Ikaria and Loma Linda. According to her, one of the best ways to achieve longevity is to optimize nutrition.
Amati emphasized that the basis of the diet of the population of these regions is plant products. In particular, the diet includes a large number of vegetables, fruits, as well as grains and legumes. “Daily use of these products helps support the immune and anti-inflammatory functions of our body, which has a beneficial effect on health,” Amati explained.
The nutritionist added that regular physical activity is an important part of the daily life of people living in blue zones. The specialist noted that constant movement is necessary to maintain a good shape in adulthood. At the same time, we are talking not only about full-fledged training, it can also be an ordinary daily walk, swimming or cycling.
Another secret of longevity is to eat consciously. This rule is followed by the residents of Okinawa (Japan), who currently have the highest life expectancy in the world. According to Amati, a 2,500-year-old mantra is especially popular in Japan: “Hara Hachi bu,” which means “eat until your stomach is 80% full.” To master this practice, one must learn to eat slowly. This method will allow the brain to feel satiety and “turn off” the feeling of hunger in time.
As the specialist explained, Okinawans usually eat the smallest portion of food at the end of the day or early in the evening. As a rule, they refuse a late dinner.
In addition to living longer, you should give up alcohol or at least reduce its consumption to a minimum, and learn to deal with stress. In particular, some products, the compounds of which interact with each other, with the intestinal microbiome and cells, can help in this.
“In recent studies, it was found that plant products interact with each other and with our body, improving health. I, including, with the help of stress management. For example, many of them (especially the dark ones) contain polyphenols, which help counteract oxidative stress,” said Amati.
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