The secret of longevity was found in the right time of eating

Some diseases can shorten a person's lifespan . This also applies to diabetes, a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

Over time, this leads to serious damage to many body systems, especially nerves and blood vessels. Experts found out that blood sugar levels and insulin resistance can be affected by the time of day when a person eats.

According to information, scientists from Northwestern University in Chicago analyzed the data of almost 10,600 . adult patients.

Participants were divided into three groups depending on the total duration of eating, as well as six subgroups depending on what time people started eating during the day.

C' found that those who ate before 8:30 a.m. had lower insulin resistance, regardless of how much time they spent eating during the day. “These results show that time is more closely related to metabolic parameters than the duration of a meal,” concluded the authors of the study.

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Author: alex

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