The secret of making a dietary pancake with filling for breakfast has been revealed
Such a pancake is perfect for breakfast. It is gentle and nutritious. And the secret of cooking and diet consists in using corn flour. By the way, it does not contain gluten. For many people, this is an important nuance.
The following products are needed to prepare breakfast pancakes:
- corn flour — 50 g;
- natural yogurt – 300 g;
- egg – 1 pc.;
- baking powder – 0.5 tsp;
- salt, spices.
How to cook
You don't need to do anything special. First of all, mix together yogurt, egg, salt, baking powder, and flour. The mass should be thoroughly mixed.
Heat the pan. It is advisable to use non-stick. The pancake must be baked under the lid on both sides. Make the fire small so that the pancake does not burn.
And now you can put the filling on half of the pancake. For example, you can take tomatoes, cheese, greens, canned corn. If you have meat products among your favorites, then boiled or baked chicken, sausage, ham will taste perfect with a corn pancake. Delicious!
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