The secret of pumpkin seed harvesting for food and planting
In October, you can start harvesting pumpkins. Pumpkin pulp has an incredible taste, so it is great for the preparation of dietary dishes. soups and tomatoes. They are often added to various meat dishes. From seeds can be obtained oil that is great for tinctures.
The benefits of seeds include the fact that they have incredible useful composition. The seeds contain the following elements:
- vitamins;
- carotene;
- fatty acids;
- Minerals.
also contains carbohydrates. Raw seeds are more beneficial because they are not processed. They can also contain vitamins and other substances.
what pumpkin varieties are suitable for seed harvestAlmost all pumpkin varieties can be eaten. However, decorative varieties are rarely used, but gourmet and they can find benefits for the body. Among the decorative varieties you can often find edible specimens. To identify hybrids, just look at the package. It will be marked with F1 or F2. Seeds from such fruits are not suitable for growing, so it can only be used in food.
Seeds can be collected not only from ripe but also unripe fruits. It is possible to determine the time of harvesting. If the pumpkin is overwhelmed, you do not need to be upset. Their seeds can be used in the process of preparation of medicines. In cooking, they are used for pumpkin oil.In the spring you need to start cooking seeds for planting. Gardeners should properly choose a place where pumpkins are sown. Different varieties are recommended to be planted separately. In this case, they are pinched in a timely manner to obtain 2-3 quality fruits. Bring the pumpkin with seeds to the room and wait for 14 days.
experts say that long -term storage of seeds can lead to deterioration of their quality. In doing so, they can begin to sprout in the flesh of vegetables. Then you need to get all the seeds and look carefully. The planting material should not be washed. They are then dried on a windowsill or warm room. If several varieties were grown nearby, mixed genes can be observed. Further result will be unpredictable.
If you plan to grow good seeds, you can buy it in specialized stores. Manufacturers follow all cultivation rules, so the seeds will be of good quality.
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