The “secret” of quick preparation of barley porridge
Cooking pearl barley takes quite a long time, so not all cooks are ready to spend time on it. But with this method, you can speed up the process and not give up this healthy cereal because of the cooking time.
Advanced housewives who value their time did not accept the fact that cooking pearl barley takes 4 hours. Therefore, they came up with a life hack that makes the process take less than an hour.
How to quickly cook pearl barley
- The cereal is washed in a large amount of running water. Transfer the groats to a saucepan. It is desirable that the dishes have a thick bottom and walls. Pour cold water. The liquid should slightly cover the barley;
- Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the groats to a boil;
- As soon as the liquid in the container begins to boil vigorously, add 1 cup of cold water to it;
- Bring the water to a boil again and pour in 1 cup of cold water again. Do this several times;
- As soon as the water boils after pouring in the fourth cup, reduce the heat and cook until fully cooked.
Some cooks at this stage add a piece of butter and 1 tbsp. of vegetable oil to the saucepan. This will reduce the cooking time even more. A greasy film will appear on the surface. It is thanks to it that the groats will cook faster.
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