The secret of slimness of Korean women: 5 habits that you should pay attention to

Many Korean women are fit and slim. They work hard to maintain their good looks. However, Korean women have a couple more secrets that you should pay attention to.

Baked dishes and vegetables

Korean cuisine is distinguished by its sharpness and variety. The main dishes on the table of Korean women are rice, noodles, soups and snacks. Koreans try to minimize the consumption of processed, as well as fatty or sweet foods, and do not use a large amount of fat when preparing food, preferring baked dishes. Besides, they love vegetables.

Bicycle instead of taxi

Daily walks are a huge benefit for the body. Korean women like to walk around the city. It is often better to go somewhere on foot than to call a taxi.

The right sweets

Chocolate, cakes and tarts are not widely popular in Korea. Korean women are more likely to treat themselves to fruit or jelly that does not contain much sugar.

Alternative fast food

Fast food is another problem in the fight against overweight, but Korean women cope with it perfectly. However, there are healthy alternatives, such as kimbap and rice rolls. Kimbap is a rice roll with various vegetables and meat.

Water while eating

In addition to tea and coffee, Korean girls drink a lot amount of water This has only a positive effect on their beauty, slimness and health.

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Author: alex

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