The side effects of a popular side dish are named

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In a recent study of nearly 4,500 adults, scientists found out which side dish more than twice a week can double the risk of early death.

It is about french fries. It is deep-fried in a large amount of oil and contains many dangerous trans fats. The dish increases “bad” cholesterol and lowers the level of “good” cholesterol. In addition, the risk of heart disease and stroke increases. It found that eating fried food three times a week increased the risk of a heart attack by seven percent.

Also, according to a study conducted in Japan, people with the highest levels of trans fats in their blood were 75% more likely to prone to the development of Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Fats are absorbed by the body much more slowly than carbohydrates and proteins. In this regard, scientists claim that French fries will be digested much longer, which can lead to stomach pain. Associated side effects can include nausea, bloating, and cramping.

What's more, eating a high-fat diet can harm your gut microbiome by increasing the number of unhealthy bacteria and decreasing the number of healthy ones.

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Author: alex

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