The “Silent Epidemic” of Testosterone Deficiency in Men – Symptoms
Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays several roles in a man's body, including regulating bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, and the production of red blood cells and sperm.
Although men produce this hormone throughout their lives, they can develop a testosterone deficiency. The doctor called this condition “male menopause.” Testosterone deficiency can affect up to 40% of men over the age of 45. Symptoms of deficiency include: • Erectile dysfunction • Low libido (sex drive) • Brain fog • Increased body fat • Depression This can affect both their mental health. It can also affect their physical health. One in two men with type 2 diabetes has low testosterone. How is testosterone deficiency treated? Just as women going through menopause undergo HRT (hormone replacement therapy), so do men. In this case, affected men undergo TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), which can only be prescribed after consultation.
“Testosterone deficiency is now listed as a marker of early death in men.”
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