The simple rules of a healthy breakfast for women are named

Modern women often neglect a proper breakfast. Many have a snack on the go, going to work or picking up their children at school. Experts in healthy nutrition recommend developing several healthy habits for breakfast.

First of all, you should make breakfast the densest meal, explains nutritionist Sydney Spiewak. It will give you energy for the whole day, and the feeling of satiety in the morning prevents overeating Nutritionist Amanda Kostro-Miller explains that in this way you can insure yourself in case of unforeseen situations during the day, so that you do not feel a sharp feeling of hunger if you did not manage to have lunch on time.

Experts note that one of the simplest and most useful habits is drink a glass of water before breakfast. This allows you to replenish the fluid balance in the body after sleep.

Nutritionists also pay attention to the need to choose the right products. A healthy breakfast should contain at least 20 g of protein, according to nutritionist Lauren Harris-Pincus. This amount is necessary for the female body to maintain metabolism. American nutritionists advise to eat eggs, cheese or Greek yogurt in the morning as a source of protein.

At the same time, nutritionists remind us that there is no perfect recipe for a healthy diet. They advise taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and energy expenditure during the day.

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Author: alex

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