The strongest prayer that must be read on September 22 is for the prophet Jonah
On this day, it is worth turning to God with special thanks.
The prophet Jonah received an order from God to come to Nineveh and inform its sinful inhabitants of the destruction. But he did not listen to the Lord's voice and went to Spain. But the ship on which Jonah was sailing was caught in a strong storm. The sailors cast lots to find out who caused such a storm, and it pointed to Jonah, so the prophet was thrown into the sea, where he was swallowed by a whale.
In the belly of the whale, Jonah stayed for three days and three nights and again received order to go to Nineveh. This time, the prophet obeyed the voice of God and fulfilled His will.
People consider Iona to be the patron saint of sailors. And believers remember the prophet in difficult situations, when for some reason they refuse to listen to the voice of God and encounter difficulties. Christians believe that if God freed Jonah from the whale's belly, he will definitely help them overcome all their troubles.
This prayer, which you will find below, is the words of the prophet Jonah himself, with which he praises God and thanks him for salvation and promised to do the Lord's will. It is taken from the Bible – Book of the prophet Jonah, chapter 2.
Prayer for the prophet Jonah
I cried to the Lord in my sorrow, and He heard me; from the womb of hell I cried, and You heard my voice. You plunged me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, and the streams surrounded me, all Your waters and Your waves passed over me. And I said: I am rejected from Your eyes, but I will see Your holy temple again. The waters have covered me to my soul, the abyss has embraced me; my head was wrapped in seaweed. I went down to the foundations of the mountains, the earth closed me forever with its barriers; but You, Lord my God, will bring my soul out of hell. When my soul was weak in me, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer reached You, to the temple of Your saint. Those who honor vain and delusional gods have left their Merciful One, and I will offer You a sacrifice with the voice of praise; what I promised, I will fulfill: salvation is in the Lord!
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