The study showed how dangerous a large waist is for men
In a study, scientists from Great Britain took participation of more than 200 thousand men from 40 to 69 years old. Doctors monitored their health for 10 years, regularly monitoring body mass index (BMI), total fat percentage, waist size and its ratio to hips. The results showed that a large waistline in men increases the risk of the fatal disease.
Dr. Aurora PĂ©rez-Cornago, who led the study, explained that weight gain around the abdomen is “the most dangerous” because “this fat is located around the vital important bodies”. Such fat is also called visceral fat. It causes metabolic and hormonal dysfunction, which plays a major role in the development of prostate cancer in men. Among the main symptoms of the disease are frequent and painful urination, blood or sperm in the urine.
Over the 10 years of the study, 571 people died from this type of cancer. At the same time, most of them had a waist of more than 103 centimeters. According to doctors, their risk of getting this type of cancer is 35% higher than that of people with a waist less than 90 centimeters – 25%. The ratio of the volume of the waist to the hips is also important. The risk of prostate cancer in men whose fat is located in the middle part is 34% higher.
At the same time, the scientist specified that the researchers did not find a clear connection between the disease and the total content of fat in the body. A larger study is needed to confirm these results. Perez-Cornago also emphasized that a high BMI also increases the risk of other diseases, including various types of cancer. Therefore, people should consider the negative consequences of being overweight.
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