The surgeon listed the main causes of sagging breasts in women
Some everyday habits and actions can accelerate breast sagging process. Plastic surgeon Hakan Gundogan warned about this, noting that women with large breasts suffer more than others.
Smokers are more likely to experience sagging breasts. Tobacco provokes the destruction of collagen, which causes the skin to lose elasticity. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens that can damage elastin fibers in the body. They are the key component of bust elasticity. Giving up a bad habit will at least not aggravate the problem. You should carefully approach the choice of underwear. A bra should support the breasts, especially when it comes to sports. The right item of clothing will prevent the bust from “jumping” through which stretch marks appear.
Hormones also contribute. As menopause approaches, the level of estrogen decreases, as a result, there is less collagen in the tissues of the mammary gland. The problem can be solved only by correcting the hormonal imbalance. To do this, you need to pass a series of tests and decide on the best solution together with the doctor. Weight fluctuations also negatively affect the condition of the breasts. When a girl gains weight, her bust becomes heavier, the load on the ligaments increases, the connective tissues and skin are more strained. When losing weight, the number of fat cells decreases, but all the mentioned elements remain stretched. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to lose weight gradually.
Breasts can be damaged even after breastfeeding. To minimize the risks, the doctor advises to choose the right bra, moisturize the skin in this area and monitor the posture without bending excessively. Those who constantly slouch will have their breasts drooping faster. Cooper's ligaments stretch under the influence of gravity. It happens quickly, but continuously. To avoid an unpleasant result, Gundogan recommends controlling your posture and wearing a comfortable bra.
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