The surgeon named the diseases that cause swelling
Swelling is a consequence of the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, as a result of which tissues begin to swell. Swelling is a clear signal that a certain malfunction is occurring in the body, the surgeon emphasized.
Swelling, according to him, can be noticeable on the face, arms, legs or abdomen. Usually, the skin at the site of swelling turns pale and turns red, and when you press on the swollen area, a dimple remains.
Swelling is most often recorded on the legs, ankles, hands, and face. There can be many reasons for such a reaction of the body. Among the most popular are staying in one position for too long, excess salt in the body, premenstrual syndrome in women, pregnancy, and a side effect of a number of medications.
All of these reasons are easy to eliminate. But sometimes frequent swelling can be a sign of a more serious disease – heart failure, thrombosis, protein deficiency, liver damage, kidney failure, or damage and weakening of the leg veins.
To eliminate swelling, you need to drink plenty of water, eliminate a large amount of salt from your diet, and engage in physical activity more often, especially if your work involves prolonged sitting or standing. It is also important to monitor your weight.
The most popular and effective way to combat edema is physical activity. It can be a 15-minute workout before and after work, but it is this habit that will activate the lymphatic drainage system and eliminate edema.
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