The symptoms of lung cancer in the early stage, which should not be missed, are named
Lung cancer is considered one of the most common and serious types of oncology. In Great Britain alone, 47,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every year. In the early stages, there may not be any symptoms of the disease, or they may appear to be a less serious illness.
According to the Cancer Centers of America (CTCA), this is partly due to what is in the lungs few nerve endings. The CTCA added that early signs of the disease vary from person to person. If you notice them in time and contact a specialist, you can prevent the development of oncology.
Symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages
There are several common signs that refer to the early symptoms of lung cancer. The first of them in CTCA was called bronchitis, which does not go away for a long time. It is noted that this is an infection of the main airways of the lungs (bronchi), which causes their irritation and inflammation.
Among other early signs, experts mentioned a cough for several weeks, which only worsens over time. Hemoptysis, pain when breathing, shortness of breath, constant fatigue and weakness, as well as loss of appetite and weight loss for no apparent reason will also indicate lung cancer.
When should you consult a doctor? >
In the National Health Service of Great Britain (NHS), it is advised to consult a therapist if there is a constant cough and shortness of breath. “They (doctors – “ed”) will examine you and measure how much air you inhale and exhale,” the NHS said.
Lung cancer risk factors
There are several factors that increase the risk of developing lung cancer. At the same time, the presence of any of them does not mean that a person will face this type of oncology in the future, writes Express.
Yes, most cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. However, the disease can develop in people who have never smoked. According to Cancer Research UK, about seven out of 10 people diagnosed with the disease were smokers.
Inhaling cigarette smoke increases the risk of developing cancer. Exposure to certain substances for a long time, for example, diesel fuel vapors, is also harmful.
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