The tariff for electricity in Ukraine can be increased from June 1: how much will you have to pay

The electricity tariff for Ukrainians may be increased in the near future. It is expected that this may happen as early as June 1, and the price will be increased to UAH 3.5-4/kWh.

“The government is really preparing to increase the price of electricity for the population. My prediction is that it will happen from June 1. I know that the price in the range of 3.5-4 hryvnias/kWh is being discussed,” the message says.

At the same time, he reminded that the current tariff is preferential. That is, Ukrainians pay for electricity at a price lower than the market price.

How much will you have to pay under the new tariff

Currently, the tariff in Ukraine is UAH 2.64/kWh So in May, a family of three living in an apartment with an electric stove and a boiler and consuming 300 kWh of electricity per month will pay 792 UAH for electricity.

If the tariff is increased to UAH 3.5/kWh, the same family with the same amount of consumption will already pay UAH 1,050. Which is UAH 258 more.

In the case of an increase to UAH 4/kWh, the amount in the payment will already be UAH 1,200. That is, for 402 hryvnias. higher than now.